Meet man with net worth of Rs 247000 crore, who bought Rs 1649 crore house, not Mukesh Ambani or Ratan TataIndian-origin businessman Pankaj Oswal and his wife Radhika have recently purchased one of the world's most prestigious and luxurious properties, which they have named "Villa Vari." The name "Villa Vari" is a blend of their daughters' names, Vasundhra and Ridi. This magnificent villa was once owned by Christina Onassis, the Greek businesswoman and heiress to the Onassis fortune.
Valued at an impressive Rs 1,649 crore, "Villa Vari" ranks among the top 10 most expensive residences globally. The property is located in the Swiss village of Gingins, within the Canton of Vaud, and spans a vast 40,000 square meters. The villa's interiors have been designed by the renowned interior designer Jeffrey Wilkes, who is celebrated for his work on luxury projects such as Oberoi Rajvilas, Oberoi Udaivilas, and Leela Hotels.
The villa reflects a perfect blend of the Oswals' Indian heritage with a cosmopolitan lifestyle, creating an atmosphere of luxury and tranquility. The couple, who have lived in Switzerland for the past decade, have now settled into this grand home, which symbolizes both their success and love for their daughters.
Their elder daughter, Vasundhra, is 24 years old and has a background in finance. She has risen to the position of executive director at PRO Industries and Axis Minerals. Ridi, their younger daughter, is 18 and a talented singer-songwriter in the Indo-Western pop genre. She is also studying chemical engineering at a university in London.
Pankaj Oswal heads the multibillion-dollar global conglomerate, "Oswal Group Global." This conglomerate includes companies like "PRO Industries PTE LTD," which owns the largest ethanol plant in East Africa, "Axis Minerals," involved in major bauxite mining projects in West Africa, and "Burrup Fertilisers," based in Australia, known for producing the most liquid ammonia globally.
Beyond their business success, the Oswals have a personal mission for "Villa Vari." They aim to transform the property into a grand estate that honors their Indian roots while exuding elegance and excitement. The villa stands as a testament to their journey and accomplishments, blending tradition with modernity.
Source : DNA India