Meet woman, who once slept at railway station, had only Rs 300, now leads company worth Rs 1040000000, she is...

Chinu Kala, the Director of Rubans Accessories, embodies the power of perseverance and hard work. Her journey from adversity to success serves as an inspiring example of resilience. At the tender age of 15, Chinu left her home due to family issues, armed with only Rs 300 and a bag of clothes. She faced numerous hardships, including spending two days sleeping at a Mumbai railway station. Despite these challenges, Chinu remained determined.

She opened Rubans Accessories in 2014 out of a tiny kiosk in a mall in Bengaluru. Over a million accessories have been sold by the brand since then, which is evidence of Chinu's unwavering commitment.

Chinu's journey began when she had to leave school during Class 10 at St Aloysius School in Mumbai. Despite being unable to complete her studies, she ventured into entrepreneurship, initially selling knives and coaster sets door-to-door, earning a meager Rs 20 a day. Despite facing numerous rejections, Chinu persisted, gradually building a reputation for herself.

In 2007, Chinu participated in the Gladrags Mrs India beauty pageant, reaching the top 10 finalists. While modeling brought her financial stability, Chinu recognized its limitations as a long-term career. In 2004, she married Amit, who later joined her as a director at Rubans.

Chinu's journey started when she was forced to leave St. Aloysius School in Mumbai during her tenth grade year. She started her own business even though she was unable to finish her education. At first, she made a pitiful Rs 20 a day selling knives and coaster sets door-to-door. Chinu persevered in the face of multiple rejections and eventually established her reputation.

Chinu competed in the Gladrags Mrs India beauty pageant in 2007 and placed among the top ten finalists. Even though modelling gave her financial security, Chinu understood that modelling was not a long-term career. She wed Amit in 2004 and he later became a director at Rubans with her.

Chinu started Rubans Accessories with a Rs 3 lakh initial investment and worked at the kiosk herself. By 2018, there were five Rubans locations spread throughout Bengaluru, Hyderabad, and Kochi.

In the face of the COVID-19 pandemic, Chinu changed her business strategy and switched to online sales, which increased sales. Presently, Rubans Accessories is a Rs 104 crore fashion jewellery brand, demonstrating the tenacity, fortitude, and business acumen of Chinu Kala.

Source : DNA India
