Tamil actor Vishal's shaky hands at Madha Gaja Raja press meet raises health concerns;Actor Vishal, who plays the lead in director Sundar C's long-awaited comedy entertainer Madha Gaja Raja, impressed audiences and fans when he turned up for a media interaction despite being down with severe viral fever. Vishal, whose hands were seen shaking all through the event and who was a pale shade of his former self, spoke at length about the experience of having worked on the film, which has been waiting to hit screens for almost 12 years now.
The entertainer, which is believed to have good action and comedy, has now been scheduled for release on January 12 in time for the harvest festival of Pongal. In a conversation with DD, music director Vijay Antony and Sundar C on Sunday night, Vishal said, “Just like how the Kurinji Poo (the Kurinji flower) blooms once in 12 years, Madha Gaja Raja will be fresh (after 12 years). I guarantee one thing. When the film releases on January 12, nobody will come out of theatres without laughing. It is a festival film, which was supposed to release several Pongals back. It is releasing now.”
Soon after the event, Vishal's clips from the event went viral on social media with those who were unaware that he had viral fever, wondering what had happened to the popular star as he was seen shivering on stage. However, on getting to know that Vishal had attended the event despite running a high temperature, fans started showering praises on the actor.
The actor also jokingly remarked that he was sure that he would win an award for best singer, whether or not he won an award for best actor. Explaining in detail how he got to sing for a song, which then went viral, in the film, Vishal said, “I wish to say that this January, whether I get an award for best actor or not, I think I will get an award for best singer, thanks to music director Vijay Antony.
Source : DNA India