Sri Ramakrishna's Birth Anniversary Celebration

Organized by: Ramakrishna-Sarada Vedanta Center of Phoenix

Venue: Ramakrishna - Sarada Vedanta Center of PhoenixDate & Time : Saturday, 01 Mar 2025, 11:00 AM

Contact: Pravrajika AkhandapranaEmail: [email protected]Phone: 480-656-7230

Here is the schedule for Thakur's birthday celebrations at our Phoenix Ashram:

Saturday March 1st - 11:00 a.m.-1:00 p.m.

1. Aarti
2. Readings/Videos
3. Meditation
4. Prasad/Flower offering
5. Devotional Songs
6. Prasad distribution

Attendance at any time will be limited to 20 people per the requirements of the City of Tempe.  If you would like to attend, please text Syamala Vanka at (602) 690-6240.  Please be sure to pay attention to this detail. 

Also, if you wish to bring an offering, kindly inform Syamala ahead of time.

We look forward to your participation.