When Emma Thompson threatened to quit a filmLondon, March 29 (AZINS) Actress Emma Thompson said she once threatened to leave a movie after a producer asked her co-star to "lose some weight".

She was discussing the pressure for actresses to be thin in Hollywood while on the talk show "Skavlan" last week, reports people.com.

"There was a wonderful actress in a film I did, called 'Brideshead Revisited'," she remembered of the 2008 film.

"The producer said to her, ‘Will you lose some weight?' And she was absolutely exquisite!"

That's when Thompson decided to intervene.

"I said to them, 'If you speak to her about this again, on any level, I will leave this picture. You are never to do that'," she revealed.

For Thompson, the incident was emblematic of a larger problem in show business.

"It's evil what's happening and what's going on there, and it's getting worse. The French fashion industry said they would get rid of size zero and then, you know, they didn't," she said.

"The anorexia -- there's so many kids, girls and boys now, and actresses who are very, very thin into their 30s, who simply don't eat. They don't eat...Sometimes there are just some subjects that you absolutely have to make noise about because it's so tedious and it's gone on and on," she added.